National Quality
Data Measurement Project

Participating States

State of Ohio

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About the Project

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Community Living (ACL), Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) has awarded a five year contract totaling $1.5 million to the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), of Alexandria, VA to increase their efforts with the National Core Indicators (NCI) Project.

The decision to expand the availability of system performance data across all 50 states and the District of Columbia will not only strengthen the ability of states to administer key long term support programs for people with developmental disabilities, but will also facilitate collaboration between state developmental disabilities agencies and the AIDD funded Developmental Disabilities Network on the identification of service delivery trends, policy planning  and development of mutual strategies to improve the well-being of those receiving services across the country.

Learn More About How Your State Can Get Involved


"The Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) recognizes the critical role that performance and outcome data play in the management, operation and funding of state developmental disabilities systems. AIDD is taking a step in building the capacity of state developmental disabilities agencies to gather vital information on service outcomes through the National Data Measurement Project and the adoption of the National Core Indicators (NCI) as the uniform dataset to use for this purpose."

For more information, visit the AIDD website at


NCI is a voluntary effort by public developmental disabilities agencies to measure and track their own performance.
Learn More:

NCI Main Page
NCI Charts
NCI News

NCI is a joint effort of

Information for States

For more information on how to join NCI and apply for AIDD funding, please contact Mary Lee Fay at

Current Project Activities

Reports and links specific to the National Quality Data Measurement Project:

  • 02.05.13

    Announcement from Oregon DHS:

    Oregon DHS will be participating in a project to learn how well it is helping individuals and families being served through the developmental disabilities system. The National Core Indicators (NCI) has selected Oregon as one of five additional states to survey this year, using their quality assessment tool to learn how well the state is supporting people with developmental disabilities. With the addition of the five states, there are now 35 states across the country participating in this project.

    We are very pleased to participate,


  • 01.10.13

    Year 1 :

    Year 1

  • 07.01.12

    New AIDD States accepted for 2012-13:

    We are pleased to announce that Indiana, Oregon, Mississippi, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island have joined NCI beginning in the 2012-13 data cycle. Each state will collect Adult Consumer Survey data, while Mississippi will also be collecting Mortality data. Reports containing data results will be completed by Spring, 2014.

  • 07.01.11

    New AIDD States accepted for 2011-12:

    We are happy to announce that Connecticut, Michigan, Virginia, Maryland and South Carolina have joined NCI beginning in the 2011-12 data cycle. Each state will collect Adult Consumer Survey data, while Connecticut, Michigan, and Maryland will also collect Family Survey data. Reports containing data results will be completed by Spring, 2013.

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