The primary aim of NCI is to collect and maintain valid and reliable data about the performance of public developmental disabilities service systems. NCI states and project partners continue to work toward a broader vision of utilizing NCI data not only to improve practice at the state level but also to add knowledge to the field, to influence state and national policy, and to inform strategic planning initiatives for NASDDDS.
Data from NCI are aggregated and used to support state efforts to strengthen long term care policy, inform the conduct of quality assurance activities, and compare performance with national norms. Additionally, NCI data have been used as the basis of data briefs on specific areas of interest such as employment, dual diagnosis, self-directed services, and autism spectrum disorders, and the results of analyses of the multi-state dataset have been published in academic research journals and presented at conferences.
Through participation in the program, NCI states make a commitment to share information with stakeholders so that data can be used for policy change and quality improvement. To that end, this website provides public access to NCI data and current information about how the results are being used at the state and national levels to support policy, research, and advocacy efforts.