
  • NCI Staff Present in ANCOR webinar: NCI 2015 Staff Stability Survey Report

    Feb 14th, 2017

    On February 13, 2017, Mary Lou Bourne, NCI Project Director from NASDDDS and Dorothy Hiersteiner, NCI Project Coordinator at HSRI presented a webinar for ANCOR members on The NCI 2015 Staff Stability Report. The presentation was focused on the 2015 Staff Stability Report and discussed how provider agencies can engage with the data. 

    The slides are available here

  • Webinar for NASDDDS Membership: The National Core Indicators® 2015 Staff Stability Survey Report Overview

    Jan 23rd, 2017

    On January 19, 2017, NCI staff presented a webinar to NASDDDS membership on the NCI Staff Stability Survey Report 2015. The webinar discussed the importance of the survey, how states are using the data and how to read the report.

    Recording of webinar:

    Slides: The National Core Indicators<sup>®</sup> 2015 Staff Stability Survey Report Overview

  • Case Studies: NCI data for QI

    Jul 28th, 2016

    HSRI President Val Bradley put together some Case Examples that examine a hypothetical process and course of action taken by a state to address the issues of Guardianship and Abuse/Neglect. 

    Check them out here: