
  • Health and Healthcare Access among Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability 2015 - 2016

    Jan 10th, 2018

    NCI's newest team member, Henan Li, PhD., used NCI data in a policy brief entitled Health and Healthcare Access among Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability: 2015 - 2016

    The Policy Brief uses 2015-16 NCI Adult Consumer Survey data to look at health and healthcare disparities faced by adults diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Dr. Li's research found:

    • Adults with ASD and ID reported poorer general health than the general adult population of the United States.
    • About 29% of adults with ASD and ID reported at least one chronic health condition such as diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol.  
    • More than half of the respondents reported at least one diagnosis of mental illness/psychiatric condition (anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia etc.). Among those, three out of five took medication to treat those conditions. 
    • Most respondents had access to primary care doctors, annual health exams, dental care, and vision care. However, access to different types of preventive health screenings were uneven.
  • NCI at 20

    Nov 10th, 2017

    The 'NCI at 20" video was premiered at the NASDDDS meeting to resounding acclaim. 

    Take a look at it here: 

  • Beyond the Survey: The Impact of NCI in Arizona

    Jul 28th, 2017

    Check out this video from the NCI team in AZ. 

    This is from their press release:

    "National Core Indicators (NCI) listens to individuals with developmental disabilities and their experiences so agencies like DDD can provide the best services to them. But the NCI survey does more than simply gather feedback; it lets our members know we truly care about their experiences and what they have to say. Hear from one of our members about the impact this survey had on him, and will have on others."