
  • Job Opening: Quality Assurance and Application Support Specialist

    Jul 18th, 2016

    Do you love the challenge of troubleshooting? Are you looking to make an impact and feel the satisfaction of creating a seamless end-user experience? Consider joining a team that develops custom survey applications used by 46 states and Washington D.C. to measure the effects of services and supports for people with disabilities.

  • NCI Employment Data Brief Highlighted in The OPEN MINDS Circle article

    Jul 1st, 2016

    NCI's data brief, "Working in the Community: The Status and Outcomes of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Integrated Employment--Update 2" was highlighted in an article in The Open Minds Circle.  The article, which, unfortunately, is behind a paywall, can be previewed here: 

    Here is a link to the webinar presented by NCI Staff and John Butterworth of ICI at UMASS Boston on June 29, 2016: Working in the Community: The Status and Outcomes of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Integrated Employment

  • Join us at Reinventing Quality, 2016

    Jun 20th, 2016

    Come join NCI team members at the Reinventing Quality Conference, July 31-August 2, 2016 in Baltimore, MD

    The following presentations are focused on NCI: 

    Rights, Choice, and Control: What Do the Data Say?

    Celia Feinstein, Temple University, Stephanie Giordano, Human Services Research Institute, Mary Kay Cunningham, Temple University, Bill Krebs, Self-Advocate

    The National Core Indicators (NCI) are standard measures used across states to assess the outcomes of services provided to individuals and families. Indicators address key areas including employment, rights, service planning, community inclusion, choice, and health and safety. The 40 states involved collect information form approximately 400-600 randomly selected service participants. In Pennsylvania, the sample has been expanded significantly so that Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q, PA’s version of the National Core Indicators) can be a cornerstone of the state’s quality management system. Panelists will talk about the NCI and IM4Q data sets, specifically in the areas of Dignity, Respect, Rights, Choice and Control.


    Scaling up Progressive Practices: What does NCI tell us about System Readiness, Challenges, and Opportunities?

    Valerie Bradley, Human Services Research Institute, Alixe Bonardi, Human Services Research Institute, Dorothy Hiersteiner, Human Services Research Institute

    This panel will include NCI data on areas of the intellectual and developmental disability (ID/DD) system including self-direction, employment, exercise of choice, and friendships. These areas should form targets for efforts to “scale” up progressive practices. The presentation will also include NCI data on DSP turnover rates and alignment with the HCBS settings rule. These data can point to the readiness of the service system to enhance and expand person-centered practices.


    Several other presentations will address NCI and its applications. HERE is the agenda. 

    We hope to see you there!