
  • NCI at the AAIDD conference in Louisville, KY-- June 1-3, 2015

    May 26th, 2015

    HSRI staff are off to Louisville this coming week to present at the AAIDD conference.

    Preceding the conference, Val and Dorothy will be presenting to an audience of Direct Support Professionals on HSRI’s past and present work addressing the DSP workforce and the revamped NCI Staff Stability Survey. Val and Elizabeth are presenting in a pre-conference session in a presentation entitled: “New CMS Waiver Regulations: Implementation Strategies for Providers and States.”

    During the conference, Elizabeth is presenting on Supported Decision Making in a presentation entitled: “System Change to Promote Rights: National Core Indicators Data and a Supported Decision Making Initiative.” Elizabeth is also presenting on NCI data regarding friendship in a presentation entitled: “Friendship Matters! Improving Health and Well-Being by Supporting Friendship.”

    Val is presenting on NCI items that might predict positive outcomes in a presentation called: “Identifying Key Quality of Life and Provider Characteristics that Should Form the Core of Quality Measurement and Quality Improvement Initiative at the Federal, State and Local Levels.”

    Dorothy, together with Mary Lee Fay from NASDDDS, is presenting again on the NCI Staff Stability Survey and results from the pilot.

    Dorothy and Alixe also have a poster on race and ethnicity and preventive health use.

    HSRI will also have a booth at the conference. Come say "hi!"

  • New National Core Indicators (NCI) Staff Stability Survey

    Feb 24th, 2015

    Are you interested in looking at stability of the Direct Support Professional (DSP) workforce in your state? Are you interested in examining information such as wages, turnover, benefits and retention/recruitment strategies?

    Are you interested in being able to benchmark these data and compare these data to other states and to an NCI average?

    Here  you will find the PowerPoint from the intro webinar held on February 18, 2015.

    Please let us know by March 13, 2015 if your state is interested in participating in the 2014-15 Survey Cycle.  

    Please let us know if you have any questions, or whether you want to have a phone call or webinar to discuss the possibility of participating.


    Dorothy and Mary Lee

  • Val Bradley in an AAIDD "TED Talk" style videos

    Feb 6th, 2015

    The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) has produced a series of "TED Talk" style videos that highlight issues of interest. Val Bradley stars in a video on NCI Findings. We encourage you to take a look! Val's video is the first one under the heading "Supports."