
  • MLTSS for People for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Success

    May 11th, 2018

    The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), along with the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and Ari Ne'eman of are the authors of this important report MLTSS for People for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Success

    Because there are unique challenges in implementing a managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), the report provides context on the intersection of program design and participant advocacy and outlines successful strategies for both states and health plans. Promising practices from the few MLTSS programs delivering I/DD services are highlighted throughout.  

    Check it out if your state is engaged in MLTSS or is thinking about/planning for the transition.  

  • New Data Brief: What Do NCI Data Tell Us About the Characteristics and Outcomes of Young Adults Receiving Services?

    Apr 25th, 2018

    NCI team members Stephanie Giordano and Valerie Bradley use NCI data to explore the personal characteristics and outcomes experienced by young adult state DD service recipients (aged 18-25) and compared them to recipients aged 26+. 

    Compared to individuals age 26 and older, young adults (ages 18-25) were:

    • More likely to be male, to be Latino, to use spoken language, and less likely to have mobility challenges
    • More likely to have an autism spectrum diagnosis, less likely to have a mental illness diagnosis, and more like to require some or extensive support for behavioral issues
    • More likely to have a guardian
    • More likely to live at home
    • More likely to express a desire to live somewhere else
    • More likely to be involved in training or classes in preparation for a job, to want a job if they don’t have one, to need more support if they currently have job, and to want a job somewhere else.
    • Less likely to make everyday choices, such as daily schedule; and less likely to make choices regarding the services in their plan
    • More likely to self-direct, but also more likely to say they need more help to manage their budgets
    • More likely to experience restrictions about having visitors, and less likely to be involved in self-advocacy organizations.

    The data brief closes with discussion and policy questions to be considered by states as they work to address the needs of young adults. 

    Take a look at the data brief here

  • 2016 Staff Stability Survey Report

    Jan 18th, 2018

    NCI is proud to release the 2016 NCI Staff Stability Survey Report

    Within the report you will find information on tenure, turnover, vacancy rates, wages and benefits offered for Direct Support Professionals employed by provider agencies within state I/DD service systems.  20 States plus the District of Columbia participated in the 2016 NCI Staff Stability Survey.

    For example, of the DSPs that left (separated from) employment between January 1 and December 31 2016, 38.2% had been employed for less than 6 months before leaving. 

    The average turnover rate for DSPs in 2016 ranged by state from 24.1% to 69.1%. The NCI average was 45.5%. 

    Across all service types and settings, DSPs received a median hourly wage of $11.41/hour.

    A big thank you to the states participating in this important data collection.  And if your state is interested in participating for 2017,  It is not too late to join in the 2017 data gathering. Please let me know at