
  • The 2013-14 At-A-Glance Report

    Jul 29th, 2015

    The 2013-14 At-A-Glance Report has been released! At-A-Glance Reports are shorter, summary reports of the most interesting data collected across all NCI tools over that given year. Check it out here!

  • WEBINAR RECORDING: The Sarah Taub NCI Webinar Series: Rights and Respect

    Jul 16th, 2015

    The most recent Sarah Taub NCI Webinar on Rights and Respect was held on July 16, 2015. 

    The webinar was recorded and can be seen here:

    The webinar began with a review of the data presented in the NCI Data Brief called “What NCI Data Reveal About Service Delivery and the Respect Given to the Rights of People with I/DD.” and a look at how individual outcomes differ for individuals in differing guardianship relationships. 
    The second half of the webinar was conducted by Jonathan Martinis, Legal Director at the Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities. Jonathan Martinis discussed Guardianship and Supported Decision Making. 

    Jonathan Martinis has over 20 years’ experience representing people with disabilities in cases under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Medicaid and the Constitution of the United States.  He represented Jenny Hatch in the “Justice for Jenny” case – the first case to hold that a person with disabilities has a right to engage in Supported-Decision Making instead of being under a guardianship.  Prior to joining Quality Trust, Jonathan was the Managing Attorney for the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA), the Jonathan served as lead counsel in Brinn v. Tidewater Transportation District Commission, 242 F.3d 227 (4th Cir. 2001), the first case to hold that people with disabilities have a right to paratransit transportation on a next-day basis.  He was lead counsel in Winborne v. Virginia Lottery, 677 S.E.2d 304 (2009), which held that the Lottery must ensure that private businesses selling Lottery tickets are accessible to people with disabilities.

    The webinar was well attended and well received. We encourage everyone to take a listen!

  • Articles in Journal: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

    Jun 25th, 2015

    Check out the June, 2015 edition of the journal Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 

    Take a look at the article entitled "Responsiveness to Self-Report Interview Questions by Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities." This study demonstrates the degree to which adults with IDD respond to NCI Section I questions (those for which a proxy is not allowed) and examines the characteristics of those who answer Section I questions. The researchers also found that interviewer ratings of respondents' understanding of questions and consistency of responses were related to responsiveness. 

    Also check out the article "Competency-based Training and Worker Turnover in Community Supports for People with IDD: Results from a Group Randomized Controlled Study." This study used NCI to look at outcomes for people with IDD whose direct support workers had undergone specific trainings.