
  • NCI 2011-12 Annual Report Released

    Nov 6th, 2013

    NCI is proud to announce the release of the 2011-12 Annual Report. The Annual Report highlights selected findings from the 2011-12 data cycle. Please take a look at this valuable and informative resource.

    The 2011-12 Annual Report can be accessed here or under "Reports" under the "Resources" tab on

  • Sarah Taub NCI Webinar Series: How Do Services for People with ID/DD Compare by Race and Ethnicity?

    Oct 29th, 2013

    The first edition of the Sarah Taub NCI Webinar Series was held on October 29, 2013 at 3:00PM EST. The webinar looked at the intersection of race and ethnicity and services.  Presenters used data from the National Core Indicators, vocational rehabilitation and employment data from the Institute for Community Inclusion and state specific data from Oregon.  The Presenters were:

          • Julie Bershadsky and Dorothy Hiersteiner: Human Research Institute Services (HSRI): What do the NCI data tell us about race/ethnicity and the use of preventive health care among adults with I/DD?
          • Alberto Migliore, Research Associate, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts: Looking at impact of race and ethnicity on employment trends
          • Brent Watkins, Policy Analyst, Oregon Developmental Disabilities Services: How access to services in Oregon compare by race and ethnicity


  • Josh Engler is HSRI Project Director for NCI

    Oct 10th, 2013

    The National Core Indicators project (NCI) is proud to announce that Josh Engler has been named HSRI Project Director for NCI. Until recently, Josh was working as Project Coordinator for NCI and his enthusiasm and dedication have made him an asset to the NCI team and the Human Services field.

    Josh is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor who, prior to HSRI, worked as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for 8 years in the public and private sectors. He holds a Master’s degree in Evidence-Based Social Work from Oxford University, as well as a Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Texas at Austin.

    Congratulations, Josh!