
  • HSRI President Val Bradley Presents to the Irish National Disability Authority

    Jan 1st, 2012

    Val Bradley recently presented an overview of the National Core Indicators program to approximately 250 attendees in Dublin, Ireland.  The theme of the conference was "People with disabilities participating fully and safely in the community", and the title of the presentation was "National Core Indicators:  Using Data to Manage Public Systsems"

    You can download the powerpoint slides below:

    NCI: Using Data to Manage Public Systems

  • Report Released: National Core Indicators (NCI) 2009-10 Annual Summary Report

    Dec 1st, 2011

    HSRI and NASDDDS are pleased to announce the release of the National Core Indicators 2009-10 Annual Summary Report.  The Annual Summary Report highlights selected aggregate results from several of the NCI data sources.  For 2009-10, particular attention was paid to:

    - Whether people living in different residential arrangements experienced different outcomes, and

    - Employment and Choice outcomes

    You can download the entire report here:, or go to the "Resources" page on this website.