
  • NCI-AD Website is LIVE

    Jun 1st, 2016

    Are you interested in learning more about National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD)™? NCI-AD is a voluntary effort by State Medicaid, aging and disability agencies to measure and track their own performance. The NCI and NCI-AD efforts are operated separately, albeit in parallel. For more information, see 

  • Outcomes For Adults On The Autism Spectrum Receiving Services In 31 States: Putting The Research In Context

    Apr 5th, 2016

    National Core Indicators and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Putting the Data in Context
    Webinar presented on March 10, 2016


    Valerie Bradley, President of Human Services Research Institute
    Ari Ne'eman, President and Co-founder of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    The nature of public services and supports for individuals with I/DD generally and autistic individuals* specifically has changed in the past half century. Legislation such as the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – as well as other laws, rules, decisions of the Supreme Court and other federal courts, and findings, services, and supports – has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life for autistic individuals.  These reforms have resulted in the growth of community-based settings that aim to encourage “full inclusion and integration in the economic, political, social, cultural and educational mainstream of American society” (Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, 29U.S.C.794). 

    However, autistic people do not appear to have benefited from these sweeping changes to the same extent as those without an ASD diagnosis.  Previous research has shown that autistic individuals have poorer adult life outcomes in areas such as independent living, employment, relationships, and community inclusion. These negative outcomes are likely related in part to functional impairments in communication and social interaction. Research has shown that formal supports that are individualized and comprehensive are related to quality of life for autistic adults; however, there are disparities in access to such supports.

    Despite the growth in demand and delivery of these supports, there are significant gaps in understanding the role that services and supports play in facilitating person-centered outcomes.  To understand how to best design services and supports for autistic people, the differences in their outcomes and the potential causes must be examined. 

    This webinar used the National Core Indicators data to examine the demographic characteristics and outcomes for adults on the autism spectrum who receive services from state I/DD systems. Policy and research approaches were suggested based on the findings. These recommendations built on the data to address the need for services and supports that encourage inclusion, integration, autonomy and decision-making, productivity, and independence.

    To watch the webinar, please use the following links:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    *Within the autism and Autistic communities, a wide variety of different linguistic preferences exist, with many individuals on the autism spectrum preferring the use of “identity-first” language rather than “person-first”. Within this webinar, we will alternate between “person on the autism spectrum” and “autistic person”. See for more details.

  • OH Specific Staff Stability Webinar for OH

    Apr 1st, 2016

    Click here to watch the OH Specific Webinar on the Staff Stability Survey

    Ohio Staff Stability Webinar Part 1

    Ohio Staff Stability Survey Part 2