
  • National Core Indicators (NCI)® Recognized With AAIDD Policy Award

    Jan 8th, 2020

    Each year, AAIDD honors selected individuals, groups, or organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the field. A call for award nominations is issued in the fall of each year and awards are presented at the annual meeting of the Association.  NCI will receive the 2020 AAIDD Policy Award for contributions to disability policy and impact to systems of support. We would like to extend our gratitude to all who have contributed to the project and the growing number who continue to utilize NCI to promote positive systems change.

    To read the full press release and list of honorees Click Here

  • NCI Data Highlight: What Do NCI Data Tell Us About the Characteristics and Outcomes of Older Adults with I/DD?

    Dec 31st, 2019

    Check out our newest data highlight on aging: What Do NCI Data Tell Us About the Characteristics and Outcomes of Older Adults with I/DD?

  • NCI/ICI Data Note: How Many People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Want a Job in Their Communities?

    Dec 9th, 2019

    A key concern for policy and practice is how choice is supported for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD). The National Core Indicators (NCI) collects data on employment status, including whether individuals are working in a paid job in the community, as well as each person’s interest in doing so. This DataNote focuses on interest in working in paid jobs in the community for individuals who are not currently working. See Data Note here