
  • Video: NASDDDS 50 Years

    Dec 3rd, 2014

    Check out the video created to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). The video highlights watershed events in the history of the developmental disabilities movement. The NASDDDS mission is to assist member state agencies in building person-centered systems of services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Written and narrated by Robert Gettings. Produced by the Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota. 

    The video can be seen here: 

  • NCI's New At-A-Glance Report 2012-13 Has Been Released!

    Nov 18th, 2014

    NCI is excited to announce the release of their new, At-A-Glance Report for 2012-13. This summary report demonstrates selected 2012-13 data from across NCI surveys. The format is new, so we encourage you to take a look!

    The At-A-Glance Report can be accessed here.

  • ANCOR Webinar: October 27, 2014: NCI data show about employment trends and outcomes

    Oct 27th, 2014

    On October 27, 2014, at 2:00-3:00pm EST, NCI staff, along with John Butterworth from the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMASS Boston, presented in an ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources) webinar on what NCI data show about employment trends and outcomes. Policy suggestions were discussed, as well. The slideshow is available here.