
  • Alixe Bonardi Book Chapter: "Health Surveillance and People with Intellectual Disabilities"

    Sep 3rd, 2015

    NCI Project Director for HSRI Alixe Bonardi co-authored “Health Surveillance and People with Intellectual Disabilities,” a chapter in the newest volume, Health Disparities and Intellectual Disabilities, in the International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities book series. The chapter mentions NCI as an available health assessment tool. 

    The chapter discusses conceptual and methodological issues associated with health-surveillance programs for people with intellectual disabilities. The chapter also discusses the relationship between health surveillance and health policy. 

  • Presentations from the NCI Annual Meeting

    Aug 17th, 2015

    The 2015 NCI Annual Meeting occurred on August 12, 2015 and was a resounding success. People came from across the country to sunny Costa Mesa, CA to discuss NCI, how it can be used for policy development and evaluation, how NCI is being used in current research, recent changes to the surveys and general survey administration successes and challenges. Thanks to all who participated in person and over the phone!

    Below are copies of the presentations used during the meeting, identified by the presenter's name:

    Welcome from AIDD – Kathy Cargill-Willis (ACL)

    How States use NCI–

    Renee Kurjiaka (CA)

    Chad Midgley (UT)    

    How States are using NCI as part of the HCBS Quality Assurance –

    Mary Sowers (NASDDDS)

    Erica Hendricks (HSRI)

    NCI Research: Val Bradley (HSRI)

    UMASS – Employment and NCI: Allison Cohen Hall (ICI: UMASS Boston)

    UCDavis- NCI in CA

    RTC On Community Living at UMN: Use of NCI Data: Amy Hewitt (UMN)

    Adult Consumer Tool Reliability and Validity: Julie Bershadsky (HSRI) Amy Hewitt (UMN)

    Changes to the Surveys: Stephanie Giordano (HSRI)

    What We Learned from the Mid-Year Check-In Calls: Dorothy Hiersteiner (HSRI)

    Staff Stability Survey: Mary Lee Fay (NASDDDS) and Dorothy Hiersteiner (HSRI)

    Update on NCI-AD: Julie Bershadsky (HSRI) and Kelsey Walter (NASUAD)


    Resources from CA: examples of templates used in meetings with Self-Advocates

    CA Self-Advocate Agenda Template

    CA Self Advocate Minutes Template

    CA-Self Advocate Presentation Example

    Thanks to all!

  • Mary Lee Fay Named New NASDDDS Executive Director

    Aug 14th, 2015

    Mary Lee Fay, NCI Project Director from the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) has been named the Executive Director of NASDDDS! We at NCI and HSRI are thrilled for her!

    Here is NASDDDS' press release: 

    The Board of Directors of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services has named Mary Lee Fay to replace Nancy Thaler as the Association’s Executive Director. Mary Lee has been working with NASDDDS since 2012 as the Director of National Core Indicators and Coordinator of the Supporting Families Community of Practice.  Mary Lee begins her new duties immediately.  Nancy Thaler left the organization on July 1st to become the Deputy Secretary of the Office of Developmental Programs in Pennsylvania.

    “I am honored that the members of the NASDDDS Board of Directors have selected me to serve as the Executive Director,” Ms. Fay said. “I consider myself very lucky to be able to work at something I love and believe in.  NASDDDS plays a very important role in supporting state agencies responsible for designing and administering large service systems and working with other national groups to promote best practices. As a state director,  I experienced the benefits of membership in NASDDDS and I hope to maintain and expand on the extraordinary organization that NASDDDS has become.” 

    Board President, Laura Nuss adds, “The board was fortunate to have had a number of highly qualified and well regarded candidates who sought to lead NASDDDS.  It speaks to the strength, relevance and importance of the organization.  We believe Mary Lee’s steady leadership and extensive experience in state government will position NASDDDS to continue to provide the substantive support that its members will need, especially during these next few years, as we collectively navigate a changing landscape of publicly funded services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families across the lifespan."  

    State Government Service:  Ms. Fay worked in the Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities for 25 years.  She was the state Administrator the last 11 years before retiring from state service.  She was proud to be in leadership roles that focused on building community supports, closing all private and public institutions, developing self-directed supports and focusing on person centered practices.  Ms. Fay reflected on her work in state government by saying, “My most satisfying work experience was in state government where we worked together – state and county staff, families, individuals with disabilities, providers and other advocates – to make sure that people with I/DD could fully participate in the community and lead good and satisfying lives.”

    Current Work: After leaving Oregon State Government in 2012, Ms. Fay moved to Virginia to work at NASDDDS.  In the past three years she has worked closely with many states as they engaged in using outcome measures from National Core Indicators to review and improve services.  She also co-directs the Supporting Families Community of Practice funded by AIDD with Dr. Sheli Reynolds, University of Missouri Kansas City – Institute on Human Development.

    Ms. Fay holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Oregon College of Education.